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General Terms & Conditions

Design, Text and Images contained within this web site is protected by copyright. All Rights Reserved.

‘The Company’ 'our' 'we' 'us' ‘photographer’ shall mean David Goodman Photography.
‘Employee’ shall mean any assistant or photographer of the company.
‘Hirer’ 'Client' shall be deemed to be the person who has signed the hire agreement and responsible for the payment of the hire.
‘Party’ shall be deemed to be the Hirer's principle guests, other guests or invitees.

In making part or full payment the client is confirming they have read these Terms and Conditions and that they understand them and accept them in full and without exception and agree to be bound by them.

Bookings will not be accepted by any persons under the age of 18 years​, however persons under the age of 18 years may be included in the hirer party.

These terms cannot be varied in any way by the client(s) unless such conditions are expressly agreed by the photographer in writing.

1. Quotation

Quotations are in accordance with the details provided.  
Alterations/amendments/additions are subject to availability and will be charged at the rates in force and will not be fulfilled until full payment is received.


2. Payment

For certain bookings, the company may ask to take a deposit before taking full balance payment. Deposits are non-refundable.​


3. Cancellation (For bookings made after 08.11.2019)

The Client reserves the right to cancel a booking. Cancellations must be received in writing from the Hirer.

Cancellations received with more than 2 weeks notice before the hire date – Full refund.

Cancellations received less than 2 weeks notice before the hire date – 75% refund.

Cancellations received less than 1 weeks notice before the hire date – 50% refund.

Cancellations received less than 48 hours notice before the hire date – 25% refund.


4. Change Of Date

A change to the original date booked will be subject to availability. At our discretion payments made may be applied to the new date. If a new date cannot be agreed, the booking shall be deemed cancelled.

David Goodman Photography reserve the right to cancel a booking at any time and for any reason and without explanation and limits its liability to monies received.


5. Creative License, Coverage and Reproduction

David Goodman Photography shall be granted creative and artistic licence in relation to the choice of locations and poses used. Our judgement on photographic style and the number of photographs taken shall be deemed correct. Some photographs may not be possible due to weather conditions and the availability and willingness of subjects. We shall do our best to honor requested photographs but do not guarantee any specific picture nor incorporate any specific background, location or group arrangement.

The Client allows David Goodman Photography to display any image to promote its business by means of advertising, brochures, magazine articles, websites, social media, sample albums etc.

Photographs taken during the course of the session/event will be at the discretion of the photographer although every effort will be made to accommodate the client's requirements. When attending events the photographer shall endeavor to photograph all individuals as requested by the client but no responsibility will be taken by the photographer on the occasion of leaving somebody out.  At particular locations, the official in charge may restrict our movements and/or the area from which we are able to cover an event/shoot.  We do not accept responsibility for any restrictions or obstructions as a result of this.

At locations or events, due to a variety of uncontrolled lighting conditions and the limitations of digital sensors, some colors may alter throughout a set of photographs.


6. Copyright

The 1998 Copyright, Designs, and Patents Act assigns copyright to David Goodman Photography, unless at the time of booking a release is agreed. By purchasing images in print or digitally the Client is purchasing the right to the image only. not the copyright and therefore does not have the right to reproduce the image in or on any medium.  The copying of photographs provided by us or to allow copies to be made photographically, electronically, or by any other means is strictly forbidden. Photographs published on social media must bear a David Goodman Photography watermark, and/or be credited to the photographer.


7. Ownership

All digital negatives (computer files) remain the property of David Goodman Photography. Upon purchase, we may supply a copy of the edited digital negatives to the client for their own, non-commercial use. Photographs published on social media must bear a David Goodman Photography watermark, and/or be credited to the photographer.


​8. Force Majeure

Although all equipment is checked regularly, the photographer will not be responsible for photographs that are not produced due to technical failure.

In the unlikely event of total photographic failure, injury or sickness beyond our reasonable control, our liability shall be limited to a refund of all monies paid. Your statutory rights are not affected.  

We will not he held responsible for failure to provide the required service if caused by circumstances beyond our reasonable control such as, but not limited to, adverse weather conditions, major traffic hold-ups, mechanical breakdown, illness or client delays.
Any refunds will be at our discretion and limited to monies received.


9. Personal Accident

Any directions issued to clients, their guests or employees during a photographic shoot/event are deemed to be at said persons own risk. The photographer cannot be held responsible for any personal accidents during a photographic shoot.


​10. Photography of Minors

The client gives their full consent for us to photograph any person under the age of 18 years. The parent or legal guardian must accompany the minor and be present at all times and throughout the photographic session.  

David Goodman Photography reserves the right to display any image of minors online, on social media, or in physical format, but will never reveal personal details of persons under the age of 18 years. The client reserves the right to ask the photographer to remove or delete photos of minors at any time.

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