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Pricing Guidelines

These prices are simply to give you an idea of what to expect when booking. Every booking is unique and prices will be adjusted accordingly. If the service you are looking for is not listed here, please get in contact for a quotation.


Standard Portraiture (e.g. Head shots)

- £55


Studio Packages

- £75


Student Price List (Applies to student exam bookings only)

1 student - £30 per person

2 students - £30 per person

3 students - £20 per person

4+ students - £15 per person


Standard Portfolio Building - £55


If you would like to collaborate with me on a TFP basis, please reach out to me. If the project is mutually beneficial a TFP agreement may be arranged. I love getting creative, so don't be shy!


Roaming (e.g. festivals, parties etc.)

- £35 per hour


Professional Photo Booth

- £55 per hour


Every commercial assignment is different, and for this reason no hard and fast figure can be given. However, our hourly rate is usually £35- £55 per on shoot hour. Please get in touch to discuss your needs and receive a quote.

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